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Showing posts from July, 2018


Being of July there was opportunity to be in the Pre - Awakening event in Talsi. In the begging I felt that I really need to be there, something pulled me on that event.  Message was simple, reminding of true power of gospel. During preaching came words - are you willing say YES to Jesus? Just say YES to God. Many people said YES to Jesus but I started question myself do they know what it is even mean ? These words stood out a lot! For me it is not hard to say yes to Jesus, nothing complicated. Not hard to say here I am, choose me. Do we really realize what can follow or standing behind words what we say? I do realize. We think it is easy to say commitments but accomplish them it is much harder. After I said yes to Jesus, all ready longer time ago, came time were I needed accomplish my words in reality. I were delight to obey, not knowing what it will cost me.  Living in country were incomes are low and expenses high, not doing job were you aren't paid is insane. If you do not